Monika Wikman

Monika Wikman |

Monika Wikman, PhD, is a Jungian analyst, astrologer, cranial sacral practitioner and author of Pregnant Darkness: Alchemy and the Rebirth of Consciousness; editor and contributor to Living with Fire: The Visionary Alchemical Work of Nathan Schwartz Salant. A graduate of the Jung–Von Franz Center for Depth Psychology in Zürich, she taught for many years in the graduate department at California State University, Los Angeles, and was the principal investigator of dream research at UCSD Medical Center on “Dreams of the Dying.” She has worked both as an analyst and a cranial sacral therapist with the dying and is director of The Santa Fe Center for Alchemical Studies, with workshops, publications, and research underway. Her work focuses on psyche-body unity, and healing states of consciousness.  

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