Linda Carter

Linda Carter Jungian Analyst

Linda Carter, MSN, CS, IAAP (USA), is a nurse and a Jungian analyst in private practice in Carpinteria, California and is a graduate of Georgetown and Yale Universities, and the C. G. Jung Institute in Boston. She has been on the faculty of Pacifica Graduate Institute, teaches internationally (especially in China) and publishes widely. In addition, she is chair and founder of the Art and Psyche Working Group, a collaborative organization based on models of emergence, whose mission is to bring together members of the art world with psychotherapists and anyone interested in depth psychology. For the Journal of Analytical Psychology, she has served as the book review editor, US editor-in-chief, and more recently, editor of the film and culture section. As part of the Art and Psyche Working Group, Linda has won Gradiva awards from the National Association for the Advancement of Psychoanalysis (NAAP) in the art category (2019) for the exhibition “The Illuminated Imagination, The Art of C.G. Jung;” in the digital media category (2021) for the service outreach project, “Art in a Time of Global Crisis: Interconnection and Companionship;” and she was short-list nominated in best article category (2022) for “Amazing Grace.”

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