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7 Results
Gleanings: Essays 1982-2006
Christine Downing
Gleanings is a gathering of hitherto uncollected essays written by Christine Downing during the quarter century since the publication in 1981 of her seminal book, The Goddess: Mythological Images of... continue reading or purchase at Amazon.
Mythopoetic Musings: 2007-2018
Christine Downing
Mythopoetic Musings is a gathering of essays and reworked lectures written by Christine Downing during the years since the 2006 publication of her earlier collection Gleanings. Many represent returns to... continue reading or purchase at Amazon.
Gods in Our Midst: Mythological Images of the Masculine: A Woman’s View
Christine Downing
In a remarkable series of books Christine Downing has given us "perfected" as well as ambivalent images of the great goddesses of classical antiquity. In her latest book she turns... continue reading or purchase at Amazon.
Psyche’s Sisters: Re-Imagining the Meaning of Sisterhood
Christine Downing
This work is an exploration of the ongoing significance of sister relationships throughout our lives, bringing together personal narrative with the illuminations provided by myth, fairy tale, and the depth... continue reading or purchase at Amazon.
The Goddess: Mythological Images of the Feminine
Christine Downing
In a series of chapters each focusing on a different goddess or mythical woman, Christine Downing traces her own path of individuation from maiden-daughter to mature woman. A therapist, university... continue reading or purchase at Amazon.
Women’s Mysteries: Toward a Poetic of Gender
Christine Downing
In Women's Mysteries, Christine Downing celebrates the gains and achievements of women, psychologically speaking, as they have been recovered, reclaimed, and repossessed by women over the past several decades. Her title... continue reading or purchase at Amazon.
Myths and Mysteries of Same-Sex Love
Christine Downing
"Myths and Mysteries of Same-Sex Love makes a powerful statement about the realities of gay and lesbian psyche. A gay and lesbian psychic perspective may at first be startling, but... continue reading or purchase at Amazon.