Jungian Psychology

The Functioning Transcendent: A Study in Analytical Psychology

The Transcendent is a reality that functions in all our lives all the time —call it God, the unknown, or the holy. It is not some obscure out-of-reach Other available only to those with specialized knowledge or a phenomenon spoken about only in a church, temple or mosque. The Transcendent is both beyond us, yet […]

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Dreams, A Portal to the Source

Natural and necessary expressions of the life force, dreams provide access into unconscious areas of life. They give specific and appropriately timed messages which can assist the dreamer with problem solving, artistic inspiration, psychological development, and spiritual deepening. They are also important for healing. To the therapist every dream reveals information about past and present

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Pregnant Darkness: Alchemy and the Rebirth of Consciousness

Author, psychologist, and astrologer Monika Wikman has worked for decades with clients and their dream symbols and witnessed the presence of the divine hand at work in the psyche. In The Pregnant Darkness, Wikman shows readers that the best way to cope with their darkest hours is by fostering a connection to the deeper current of

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Spirit in Jung

Carl Jung is the foremost interpreter of the many interactions of religion, the world of the spiritual and psychological insight into human behaviors. In this book, one of the outstanding Jungian scholars of our time surveys Jung’s contributions to a whole series of issues, ranging from the political to the pedagogical to the inner life

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Spiritual Aspects of Clinical Work

How does the spirit come into clinical work? Through the analyst? In the analysand’s work in the analysis? What happens to human destructiveness if we embrace a vision of non-violence? Do dreams open us to spiritual life? What is the difference between repetition compulsion and ritual? How does religion feed terrorism? What happens if analysts

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The Healing Imagination: The Meaning of Psyche and Soul

This eloquent work speaks of the centrality of imagination in the life of the spirit. Ann and Barry Ulanov describe the imagination as a bridge between the psyche and the spirit. Using rich imagery drawn from literature, film, and their own experience as therapists, they unlock for us the healing power of our imagination. “Imagination

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The Living God and the Living Psyche: What Christians Can Learn from Carl Jung

Why should Christians bother to read Carl Jung? He may be one of the most famous psychologists of the twentieth century, but are his views and ideas really compatible with Christian faith? While acknowledging some Christian suspicion of Jung, Ann Belford Ulanov and Alvin Dueck maintain that Jung’s psychology can indeed enhance the life of

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The Psychoid, Soul and Psyche: Piercing Space-Time Barriers

This book offers a collection of many new ideas: connection with the psychoid processes of the unconscious is a source of healing, especially in relation to trauma; fresh interpretation of the bedevilling flashbacks of trauma; addition of an alternative interpenetrating matrix to the container model of healing; sum of the insights of Nicholas of Cusa

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The Unshuttered Heart: Opening Aliveness/Deadness in the Self

Aliveness and Deadness are processes that cannot be captured, only symbolized within the precincts of psychology and religion. Opening under the shadow of 9/11, our new century must reassess the preciousness of life and what we are living for, what we love, and what we find worth dying for. In the face of loss and

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The Female Ancestors of Christ

The spiritual power of the Feminine shines forth in this psychological study of four Old Testament heroines from Jesus’ family tree. Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, and Bathsheba are the only women mentioned by name in the Gospels’ genealogies and, for Ann Belford Ulanov, this indicates that they impart something essential to the lineage of Christ. By

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